
merry christmas now dismiss us


sorrow sad sweet sinister lies
all turn true in buy and buy
sister susan sure swings slowly
silky sadness seems solemnly
in me (sometimes)
sad mad glad sad so scheme me
up your good shepherd
painting waiting panting raping
Christmas spirit oh to wear it oh to
lose it (crying)
electric light colored bright
what a sight remember only a dollar
ninety-eight can’t wait or pant to
sister susan swinging surely silky
slowly sadness round a corner much much
sooner much much older bolder than before
the door was never open (the story of old)
so search for bright electric colored
light pretty oh paper greeting card
and exchange through fine land not touched
by hand but band you ribbon
and bow.
silky swinging surely sadness grows glows
sister susan
for today timeless far away timeless and
far away we all away changing ever so
surely swinging silky sister sad sue
but for me and you
bright electric card greeting
so who is to say just which way
electric sadness surely slowly swings
bells rings background sings unnoticed
and timeless
knowing no other not wanting to bother
(or knowing but not bothering) sure seems
like a winner
even for sure a joy dinner later laughter
later later new yet un owned
to be shown (adored)
the lore has changed so
slowly sadness borne away covered
to this very day though somewhere
to be found
some meaning of why the giving
sweet susan so slowly you
say so show me
is it in that bright electric tree
that bound ribbon and bow
package for me or that star afar
and timeless.

peace and love


hang up the phone

Jason: ok ok ok hello…hello??

ron: just so you know jason, your camel kicked me in the head and rifled through my pockets taking everything i had left. i barely raised my head to hear him laughing his hump off as i watched him galloping in your direction singing "happy days are here again". just as i got myself to my feet that unicorn jabbed me in the back; ran over me hollering 'don't mess with my camel honey'!!

oh, and they took the carrot. now i got nothing, except memories about those two cherries and a face full of dirt...

duuuuuuuuude, what's up with your camel man? he's outta control and so is his little hussy.

ron...ron is that you? wait what??! where the hell are you? my camel did what? no no, my camel would never…a unicorn??? wait, where the hell are…

well that camel will do almost anything if you just sling some turkish gummy black in its direction. have to be careful to include its little hussy unicorn or she will light up your backside quite rightly and unforgiving. she is partial to red opium and starts to chant "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan..."

i don’t have one iota of an idea of what you are talking about. did you catch up to my favorite neighbors? you were suppose to be…

ooooh, well, i’m out on that part. but it’s been a hell of a trip. best beware what amount you allot to this revenge idea. you could just give your motley duo the neighbors address. tell them it's an OP den with free goods for sample. just sit back and listen to the consequence of a jerked addict camel with a fire breathing drooling hussy as an escape dream trigger loaded with a full magazine and fresh blood dripping from her horn tip when your neighbor offers up a distorted face puzzle of an expression seeing that thru a busted down door and soiled linen. anyway good luck with that. i was out as soon as i found out they were sitting on a cache of missile launchers.

look, you are in dire need of sleep i’m venturing; just enough to get all that shit out of your system. did you go see the doctor about your …

oh, it was nothing. i was given the wrong diagnosis, besides trees are asking questions. gotta go. do me a favor and make sure you water the plant. see ya...Photobucket

8th day

Jason: hello yeah yeah…say man, where the hell have you been? you need to start leaving your phone on so…

ron: that's so sweet... ok i been gone since feb 4th or 8th or shit who cares. let me tell you jason your camel took me for a hell of a ride there captain. and his little hussy if you remember this at all. well she turned out to be, well hmmm she, ok not so bad through all the stitches and bruises. shes a very loving unicorn if there is such oh by the way, you been keeping an eye on that delicate plant have you, that most precious flower? making sure her thirst was well quenched?

ron hey ron

bravo my good man. you know your camel informed me of many a tall tale throughout our travels and trippings amongst the sheets and galleries between the blowing winds up high in the trees. i tell you out on the dotted line alligator alley at 3 in the morning with empty bellied gators croaking on either side was more than your well versed camel friend had bargained for and he left me to fend off that 4-way orange barrel sunshine state by my lonesome. anyway, it’s all too much for me…i just wanted to…

look look …let me say something… we haven’t heard…i mean where have you…

oh shit, was i suppose to tip that camel...? anyway i was driving like 65-70 and had blur machines whizzing by my face but i was as happy as a, as a... well i was sticking to 65 mainly because of the warrant and i didn't want to end up in any ole jail in the deep south with that great big huge battle flag outside the cell and i don't know why after all the resistance well why they don't just fly the 'Bonnie Blue’ and save a lot of feelings hurt, but i am sticking to 65mph (and loving the palms you see) because as i mentioned the warrant you know.

could you slow down for a second and answer me…

ooooh shit man…guess who just woke up and is none too happy that your camel isn’t around!! i gotta tell ya i forgot all about her! sorry man, but i’ve got to pull over and get a different car. this one has a bloodthirsty hussy unicorn in it i’ve got to leave way behind…

Jason: wait, what?!!

ron: i’ll call i’ll call don’t worry i’ll


Greetings From the Front Lizard Dweller Shadow Lover,

NOV 2006
Let me begin by voicing my concerns for you and yours continued safety and welfare. The last communiqué that was delivered from out here related how this continued evolving darkness is starting to overtake just about all no matter what your history to this exact point in time, you will be affected. What with those back country lizard bastards who have now teamed up with those angry hell bent dogs from their past constantly creeping in and taking everything they can get their filthy greasy scaly humps and lumps they call claws and paws on. Planting those damn pounders in our heads and smirking to the sun, like those little pill popping crazed half-wit twinge loving blasts from the nether land know how to even blacken that to smithereens and reek the havoc that is going to permanently attach itself to everything you think, say, do or hold dear in your life from this moment on. Reminds me of the time I had a parrot. Not one of those multicolored huge squawkers, but a parrot nonetheless. It was two-toned green with a brilliant red head. I loved that parrot and religiously gently cared for it for years. I treated it as if it was a little part of my past I carried around with me to identify with and hold on to. As luck would slap me around a little I was outside cleaning his cage when two of those back country lizard demons approached us and started cackling and throwing parrot slurs around pretty loosely, calling me a weasel lover, rattling both me and my parrot. In the confusion of me trying to shoo away those little smirking life rippers, my parrot escaped from the cage to a tree a few feet away just as those two squealing spots of dark poofed into nothing, nada. At first I just stood there, staring at my parrot and he returned my gaze. I looked back at the open cage, looked back at my parrot; he let out a growling shriek and took flight. I watched as he flew upwards, turned and squawked, “Thanks for everything!” and disappeared. I turned, looked at the open cage, looked back to the empty sky and immediately shrank 2 inches right there as all that beach sand just unceremoniously drained from my being. Just that 2 inches reduction and I saw everything differently, achingly tilted from that point on.Photobucket
Geez, I wonder what all of this will eventually accomplish, destroy or whatever the justification for how all this will turn out which you can believe is not what was set out to achieve. Somehow, somewhere, logic took a cruise and in typical cruise fashion left any and all worries behind which left us here to fight off these horrible demons that persistently batter what little confidence and minuscule will that still resides, maybe, within.
On a lighter note, that wasn’t part of that last communiqué, the bells have been getting louder and sweeter, which is a welcome melody that tends to drown out all the cackling, pounding and escaping sand that reverberates endlessly at the Front at any given moment. Oh geez, what the hell is that barreling rapidly in this direction? Well Lieutenant, I better go seek shelter and justification. Bells! Bells! Squawk! It is solitary in this DARK? Say hello to JezzBo and Zippy’s sister Zooey,
See more glass?
Basil Fassad FIFTH in COMMAND