

oh man, you ok?! here, here let me help you up.
goddamn man, what the fuck!!?
jesus man, you ripped your pants. you okay. what the hell happened?
just tell me what the FUCK that is!!? i need darker glasses, man.
what are you talking about. what is what? i don’t see anything.
you don’t see anything! what the FUCK MAN! you don’t see?
what are you…
i’m talking serious crap here man, what the fuck is that?! i’m blinded!
are you talking about the sun?  the sun? we did step outside you know.
the SUN?! the fucking SUN? that’s the fucking SUN?!
ah, yes. that is the sun. the fucking sun, okay?
well, what the goddamn hell is the fucking sun doing blinding me at night?
at night?
what the hell is the goddamn fucking sun doing out? i’m fucking blinded!
it’s two in the afternoon.
fuck! what?
and we are in Florida, so the sun…
what the fuck! Florida?
what the goddamn fuck is the sun doing out in the middle of the afternoon
  in fucking Florida, MAN!? who the hell is responsible for that shit?! probably
  all those fucking lizards they got over running this goddamn fucking place. what
  the fuck is going the fuck on? i’m fucking blinded goddamn it!
man, you okay?
yeah, i’m fucking great man. what’s a matter you? FUCK! we better get back in
    here and have a couple more drinks while they get this whole whacked out sun in the aftergoddamnfuckingnoon shit straightened  the fuck out.
yeah…. yeah, that might be a good idea.
you’re fucking goddamn fucking straight it’s a good…hey, you got a cigarette? i am
   fucking blinded you know. goddamn it i need a fucking cigarette. goddamn fucking
   lizards…BLINDED! where’d you say we are?
we are in…
where the fucking hell are we goddamn  going …
well you said…

hey man look, it’s a fucking bar. we should go in and have a goddamn drink.
ah, yeah, let’s do that.
you know, somehow i got fucking blinded here man, you got a fucking cigarette?

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