
Greetings from this side of the cannon Weasel Lover,

Aug 2008

   it has been too many rainbow loving days since last communiqué happened to take a peek into those farthest reaches of shadowy dark ever moving recesses of didn’t even know they were there, kiddo. all the way down to business and back alley running anybody’s friends who try so hard to let everybody be enlightened of how much their few years have empowered themselves with knowledge when actually standing in front of their mirror in their own private space allotted to them by birth they come to the realization they know very little indeed. OOPS! pesky lizards dive bombing my razor thin path almost caused me to let go my grip there for a second, kiddo. i’m back to the straight and narrow though now, weasel lover.

don’t forget; running in skirts with dusty bows, journal notes of highs and lows, pure sweet love how easy it goes, never true acceptance from head to toes, calling a brujo though seeing only crows, not ”needing a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” or seeing your best friend crying, dying.

calling from the front wrapped heads and crime fighting doctors with former dancers phoned in the suspicious politicians and the warped plan of their corrupted walls found hiding them inside. like a mouse in a maze we all surmise what is hidden just around the next corner.. as the Rastafarian with miles of dreads tucked up under his tam on the beach trying to sell you a conch shell for your mother at home and tells you he will soon come with your change from the hundred as you watch him disappear into the sea spray on down the shore. you are left there listening to the waves slapping the sand and foam up around your feet staring at all those conch shells conch-shellsspread out before you like huge grains of sand and having faith you will get back your ninety-five. Well hA! guess what? two hours soon come, mon, Jah. here Mon.

all those science geek fiction nuts trekking around about space being the final freaking frontier. they got it all wrong, kiddo. space is not THE final  frontier! the final frontier is FINAL!

yours in brujos and crows
Basil Fassad
Fifth in Command

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